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How to Choose Best Grow Tent Hydroponic in 2022?

2022-03-21 By hqt

Grow Tent Hydroponic

One of the arguments that definitely don’t make growers sleep at night is definitely the Grow Tent Hydroponic lighting in indoor plant cultivation.

Talking every day with new growers one of the most asked questions is always “which lamps should I use?”, “I bought these lamps, are they okay?”, “How much light do I need in my grow-box?

Choose the right lamps for indoor growing

One of the arguments that definitely don’t make growers sleep at night is definitely the lighting in indoor growing of plants. Talking every day with new growers one of the most asked questions is always “which lamps should I use?” “I bought Grow Tent Hydroponic, are they okay?” “How much light do I need in my grow-box?”

After hearing hundreds of times these questions, I thought it was time to give clear and concrete answers on this important topic to all fans.

In fact, there is little to say, without light the plants die, and with a poor light they do not grow or in any case struggle to grow. So, it is important to offer more than adequate artificial lighting that resembles the much-loved sun as much as possible.

How to choose Grow Tent Hydroponic to offer good lighting?

Therefore, knowing how to choose the right lamps to offer good lighting in the indoor cultivation of peppers (but also for all plants) is a more than fundamental factor.

In fact, it is extremely important to make the right and above all useful and productive choices with regards to lighting. This will certainly be one of the most important “investments” of all cultivation.

Various types of products available on the market

On this topic it is good to distinguish all the various types of products available on the market. It is still important to find the right quality / price compromise. This Grow Tent Hydroponic will generally use only for a short period; of course, the question changes if you want to do the entire indoor cultivation.

To start we can say that the most widespread and used lamps for lighting in indoor cultivation are divided into three main types:

• Low consumption CFL lamps

• HID lamps for cultivation

• Led lamps for indoor cultivation

• Low consumption CFL lamps

Low consumption CFL lamp

Indoor cultivation CFL lamps are nothing more than the classic low consumption fluorescent lamps. You have surely installed at home.

Grow Tent Hydroponic is generally the first choice for indoor lighting as they are extremely economical, are found everywhere and also offer an excellent yield for the growth of our plants. The lamps generally come with a standard E27 socket.

It is therefore possible to insert them in numerous lamp holders. But let’s see the pros and cons of this type of lamps:

Advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic Lamp


Availability and low price are the main advantages of this type of lamps. In fact, it is possible to buy them in hardware stores, in any lighting shop. Therefore, really everywhere also, all at a much lower price compared to competing lamps.

We can add Grow Tent Hydroponic an excellent light output and a good and wide range of different types, such as the “daylight” (daylight – cold) of 6400-6500k of white / bluish color, ideal for the vegetative phase or the “warm 2700k white ”(warm light) with a redder light spectrum ideal for flowering.


On the other hand, first of all we have a lower light intensity compared to the competitors, this means that more lamps must install for each number of plants or m3, of course not an important factor for small crops; secondly instead they tend to heat up.

It is not possible to place them too close to the plants and raise the temperatures of the whole environment.

Grow Tent Hydroponic 2022

How to choose Grow Tent Hydroponic?

Once you have seen the pros and cons of this type of lamps it is important to advise how to choose them: since indoor cultivation will generally only take the vegetative phase of the plants and therefore the flowering phase will be carried out outdoors, I recommend buying only lamps.

“Daylight”, therefore cold light 6400-6500k and with as many lumens (luminous flux) as possible (usually found with 1300-1500 lumens per lamp). Of course, the number of lamps to be installed will depend on the space to be covered and the number of plants to be satisfied. However, later on I will explain how to adjust Grow Tent Hydroponic with the number of lamps.

NB: generally being quite long, it is natural to put them horizontally. In this way, however, half of the light emission will be lost. So, I recommend using a special reflector to solve the problem.

There are specific SP313C lamps for indoor cultivation

These offer better performance in terms of light output and temperatures. Of course, being specific and better, they have a higher price unlike those “from home”. However, I recommend that you take them into consideration for a possible purchase from our company.

Grow Tent Hydroponic for cultivation

Indoor cultivation HID lamp HID (High Intensity Discharge) lamps are one of the most used types in indoor cultivation, especially in the Cannabis sector, but they are perfect for all crops.

In the HID we have two types of bulbs:

The MH and the HPS: The main difference between the two is that HD emits a “colder” and bluish light. Therefore it is ideal for the vegetative growth phase. HPS emits a “warmer” and reddish light and therefore ideal for the flowering phase.


Grow Tent Hydroponic is quite cheap compared to other lighting systems for cultivation. Moreover, they are easy to install. They are a very reliable solution for obtaining excellent results.

In fact, with a basic kit for less than 100 euros you can have a complete 600w lamp that. In addition to cultivating, you can safely use to tan: D.


The lamps emit a large amount of heat, so a good ventilation system must be added in order to better ventilate and refresh the environment.

They also have a very limited duration. In fact, over time their luminous intensity tends to decrease. Therefore, you will have to change them every tot, usually every year.



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