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Highest Yielding HPS Grow Light: Practical Tips

2022-03-18 By hqt

Spread-style” TYPE SP312C LED lights

These models use a large number of smaller LEDs placed on a panel. Highest yielding HPS grow light is extremely energy efficient provide an excellent light spectrum and correct intensity. In fact, commercial cannabis growers use these types of lamps. In addition, there are also some variants called “Spider styles”. This lamp model has long adjustable arms that provide optimal lighting.

Quantum board LED lights

They are innovative lamps with very high luminous efficiency specially designed to grow indoor plants even in small spaces. These 240w LEDs are made up of two 120w plates that modulate both vertically and horizontally, by means of special screws.

Highest yielding HPS grow light can also be used spaced apart by increasing the illuminated surface.

The Quantum Board Grow LEDs equip with high quality. Meanwhile drivers and Samsung chips and produce terrific light radiation for plant growth. The absence of the cooling fan makes them somewhat silent; despite this the heat emitted is rather small.

Quantum Board cultivation LEDs are an important step forward in professional cultivation

What power should a led lamp have?

Size matters, but that’s not all. Power also needs to be checked. For a one square meter crop, a lamp of around 400-600W would be ideal. “1 watt of light tends to correspond between 0.5 and 1 gram of cannabis at harvest time”; keep this rule in mind as it’s a great way to figure out what power we need

Highest yielding HPS grow light with switch for vegetative / flowering

Many lights have a switch to switch between the vegetative and flowering stages. This step changes the spectrum of your led lights. In fact, the blue color recommends for the vegetative phase and the red light for the flowering phase. This reflects the frequency of the sun at different times of the year.

It is not entirely clear if this is better than a normal lamp, but it is sure that it consumes less energy. If you prefer to save on your bill and have a cooler environment, LED lamps are the best choice.

Highest yielding HPS grow light

The first stage of the seedling is the most vulnerable period, and the sprout requires extra care. If you use LED lights, be careful not to expose your plants to too much light. Your LED has a switch to dim the light intensity, use it during this delicate growth phase. If not, dim the light slightly.

If you see them stretch too high and begin to take on a slender shape, it means they are not receiving enough light. Take action or your plant will collapse on itself

If your highest yielding HPS grow light has a “veg / bloom” switch, set it to veg to give the plants a blue spectrum. This stimulates root development, which is crucial at this stage.

Led lamps in the vegetative phase

This phase requires more or less the same configuration as the seedling phase, but the plants need more light intensity. Be careful not to cause burns. Check for discoloration and curling on the leaves. If you see them, move the lamp away slightly.

In practice, in addition to increasing for this phase you have to increase the intensity of the light. Remember that a healthy plant displays vigorous, bushy side growth.

Highest Yielding HPS Grow Light 2022

Highest yielding HPS grow light for the flowering phase

For this phase you need to switch to the BLOOM mode better known as red. To make a plant bloom you will need to set a 12/12 light cycle, otherwise it will continue to vegetate. Here too it is essential to control burns, plant growth and keep the lamp at an optimal distance.

Can led lamps burn cannabis plants?

While they can place much closer together, they can still burn a cannabis plant. The good news is that it should be more gradual, and if you take action promptly, you should be able to fix any problems before they cause real damage to the plants.

Thanks to the very low temperatures, placing a highest yielding HPS grow light too close to a plant will not immediately burn the upper leaves.

Are led lamps as good as HPS?

This is a debate that will not be answered with this article. But overall we can confirm that it is. For years now, LED lights are a perfect solution for indoor growers. LED lamps are economical to run, do not consume too much energy and do not overheat. Therefore, we can also say that in some respects they have advantages especially for home cultivation.

What you need to know, however, is that the market for these lamps has yet to establish itself. So, it is difficult to find quality products like highest yielding HPS grow light.

To conclude these are the differences in terms of configuration, but what about the results? HPSs emit incredibly bright light and tend to produce better yields in terms of quantity. LEDs are less powerful and produce slightly lower yields, but many claim the buds are of better quality.

How to get the most out of using LED lamps?

Hydroponic growers in the 21st century have several options compared to hydroponic growers of a generation ago. One of the newest and most exciting developments is the introduction of LED lights for hydroponics. These lights allow you not only to give bigger yields and faster harvests.

Highest yielding HPS grow light also cause less damage from too much heat and bring some relief when it comes to paying your electricity bill. If you decide to switch to this cultivation method, you will not be able to use the same techniques used with halogen or high pressure sodium lamps.

Growing with LED requires special instructions

The most of the skills you have acquired as a hydroponic grower are transferable. Growing with LED lights there are some unique conditions that require special instructions. By following these simple steps, you can be sure that you are getting the most out of growing by using LED lights.

Don’t let your grow room get cold. If you live in a rather cold part of the world, you may have used the heat that comes from traditional lamps to keep your grow at an optimal temperature. Once you switch to highest yielding HPS grow light. You will notice a noticeable drop in temperature.

This could mean that you will need to purchase a heater connected to a thermostat to keep the grow room warm enough.

Don’t worry though, even if you will have to use additional equipment, making the most of the LED will still have net savings in electricity.



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