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Horticulture Vertical Farm Full Spectrum 640w LED: Best Guide

2022-03-18 By hqt

How to choose an indoor grow light?

Finding the right horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED for indoor cultivation is a fundamental aspect. This is especially for all those who approach cultivation for the first time. Our team has created this short guide with all the useful tips for choosing the right lights.

Indoor Growing Lamps

The choice is not easy because it is necessary to consider several factors such as power and absorption, the spectrum of light, the heat produced and the dedicated budget.

First of all, let’s distinguish the categories of plant lamps:

  • Fluorescent Lamps – Neon
  • CMH lamps with sodium iodide metals
  • Plasma lamps
  • LED lamps
  • Sodium vapor HPS lamps
  • Double ended HPS lamps

Advantages of horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED

Each of these categories of indoor lamps has advantages and disadvantages that adapt them or not to the various situations or methods of cultivation. You will then find specific mirrors, in any case for those who approach cultivation for the first time. It is always recommended to consult with our team who will guide them in their choice.

It is enough to know that there are 3 different shades:

  1. Gradation for the Vegetative phase: cold white light. Horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED provides necessary light for the first phase of plant growth. 18 hours of light and 6 of darkness are needed.
  2. This light is suitable plant growth will be such as to reduce the distance of the nodes, with large production of leaves and abundant growth of the stem.
  3. “Agro” gradation, basically yellowish indoor light (about 3000-2000K ° of spectrum). It also adds a cold blue spectrum similar to the gradation for the vegetative phase. It can be used for both the vegetative and flowering phase, as it is a cross between the other two shades.
  4. Gradation for Flowering: horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED light with a spectrum lower than 2700K °. It is a light suitable for the flowering of the plant, with an ideal photoperiod equally divided between 12 hours of light and 12 of darkness.

CFL / Neon Fluorescent Lamps

NEON or Fluorescent lamps (CFL lamps), are the ideal plant lamps for the germination and vegetative phase of the plant. Many models emit a spectrum of cold light with blue tones perfect for indoor plants. 

By not producing heat, in fact, horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED avoids overheating of the small rooms of the grow boxes or grow rooms. It also allows saving energy (not necessarily having to insert an air conditioning system).

It must be considered, however, that a vegetative phase with a fluorescent lamp with few lumens will cause a slowing of the growth of the plant. In this phase, would ideally require a lamp with more lumens that can accelerate the growth process.

During the flowering phase they can also be used as correction lamps in large rooms. The HPS lamps to increase the light in the grow room without increasing the energy absorption too much.

Horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED with Sodium Halide metals

One of the most popular categories of grow lamps is that of CMH lamps (also called LEC, Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell). They are very advanced products in terms of cost, size and performance.

CMH lamps have the best PAR ratio per watt of all grow bulbs. It manages to obtain a complete spectrum of light among the most similar to sunlight with levels balanced UV. Therefore, it is suitable for both the vegetative and flowering phases.

Plasma lamps: the complete spectrum of light

We talk about the complete spectrum of light. The closest to that of sunlight is certainly that produced by horticulture vertical farm with wattage close to 300 W. The fused quartz plasma cells are the basis of these lamps, with gases. Gases are in the form of plasma emit a very powerful light with a wide spectrum.

It radiates at high frequency with violet and blue light beams (from the argon gas) in a particular frequency that releases this energy so powerful. It is ideal for every phase of cultivation.

The only sore point is the cost of this type of lamps which is generally higher than the other categories. But if you intend to grow it for several years it can be an excellent investment to be preserved over time.

LED lamps are among the most recommended products

Horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED is best for those approaching indoor cultivation for the first time. They are complete with all the led lampshades essential for the growth, development and flowering of plants.

Furthermore, the LED cultivation lamps do not produce heat and are therefore suitable for small rooms. By choosing models with wattage higher than 630 W you can get a better light than the sodium vapor lamps. You should consider top of the range, for those looking for the best quality of light.

Horticulture Vertical Farm Full Spectrum 640w LED 2022

Sodium vapor horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED

As anticipated in the previous sheets, HPS (high pressure sodium vapor) lamps are considered the best in terms of yield in the flowering phase. This is especially for those looking for efficient lighting for very large growing systems in terms of space and number of plants.

The HPS lamps can deliver a spectrum of light ranging from white to red. They are able to guarantee a flowering phase with a high production of essential oils, favoring the production of flowers and thus ensuring a harvest rich.

The only disadvantage consists in the production of a fairly strong heat. It makes them not recommended for small rooms or with inadequate ventilation / air conditioning.

Sodium vapor HPS double ended lamps

Horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED lamps are a recent evolution of HPS lamps. It can guarantee an incredible increase in brightness with a single lamp.

In fact, modern electronic ballasts (power supplies) are dimmable and very often contain the supercharging option (super lumen) of the lamp.

With an extremely high PAR output, a wider spectrum than traditional horticulture vertical farm full spectrum 640w LED and a light loss of only 5% every 10,000 hours. They can guarantee a product top of the range among grow lights and a long life.



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