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Indoor Agriculture Lighting: Ultimate Guide 2022

2022-03-18 By hqt

Indoor agriculture lighting is the latest, innovative technology that allows you to grow indoor plants in a simple and efficient way. It is a cultivation system that has made it possible for everyone to have a vegetable garden at home with excellent results.

They are excellent lighting systems that use light emitting diodes to generate light. There are different types and models, which can generate more or less power, have more or less low costs. It is available in different duration and quality of the final product. 

Many different solutions to meet all the growers’ requests and needs

Indoor agriculture lighting: different technologies and advantages

Let’s see some models of low consumption LED lamps for indoor cultivation: on the market, specifying that they are all Full Spectrum

The Indoor model is the simplest and most affordable LED lamp on the market. You have to just activate the switch and the system can be accessed immediately. Thanks to their ease of use, they are ideal especially for those approaching this form of cultivation for the first time.

They guarantee low consumption, high thermal resistance and a light spectrum. It is very close to that of the sun but do not offer any possibility of regulation.

Muizlux SL1 150w indoor lighting

The indoor agriculture lighting emits a high penetration light and allows you to have a first possibility of adjusting the brightness. In fact, they are equipped with a system with 3 adjustable growth channels. These optimize to provide the plant with the right amount of light it needs depending on the stage of development in which it is located.

These indoor grow lights allow you to have total control of the light emitted, eliminating waste. This indoor agriculture lighting also has 3 growth channels. These ensure the grower a very high production yield and very low consumption.

To this are added other peculiar features such as the presence of super silent fans, an optimized light spectrum and the high efficiency Hyperled LED.

With the Lumeny Evolution LED lamps with control panel, the possibility of selecting the plant development channels directly on the back of the device.

The use of a combination of latest generation LEDs allows for greater light power, thus favoring the Emerson effect. It accelerates the photosynthesis process, increasing productivity.

The HPS Killer Cree indoor agriculture lighting characterizes by the use of extremely high-quality Cree brand LEDs. It ensures optimal efficacy during indoor cultivation.

Also, this model equips with a 3-channel light regulation system so as not to waste even a watt and save on the electricity bill.

Furthermore, they use a double LED technology in which the COB (chip on board) LED is added to the classic SMD technology. The joint use allows the grower to always keep the lighting emitted by the lamp under control.

Various models of LED grow indoor agriculture lighting

Furthermore, LED lamps are able to emit light following a variety of systems, which can also be combined with each other:

Lumeny Barracuda LED Bar (SMD LED on Bars)

The LED Bar lamps, on the other hand equip with a single light irradiation channel. The light power can be adjusted according to the different needs of the individual grower. So, you can decide the intensity of the light you want to have in your crop. Use the lamp at maximum power or only in a small percentage.

Why use LED lamps: features and benefits

After having seen what they are and which is the best LED grow indoor agriculture lighting. Let’s go into the analysis of the main features of these products.

Use a lighting system of this type for your indoor cultivation. It allows you to always keep the correct development of the plant under control and to enjoy the considerable benefits that LED lamps bring. Let’s see them better:

Energy saving

LED systems allow you to always keep your consumption under control. It reduces by up to one fifth compared to that of classic HPS or HIP lamps.

indoor agriculture lighting provides energy saving during cultivation. Consequently, in electricity bill with such low costs that. We are sure, will surprise you. A fact that is also good for the environment, which is not bad.

Indoor Agriculture Lighting 2022

LED lamp for higher production yield

One of the most important characteristics of LED lamps is the higher production yield they ensure in terms of the final result.

In these systems, the penetration of light is able to reach even the most hidden leaves of the plant. It is to obtain a greater quantity of fruits and flowers but also a higher quality.

Temperature under control

Furthermore, these indoor agriculture lighting are able to maintain regulated temperature inside the greenhouse. It does not cause excessively heating the surrounding environment and giving the grower an excellent indoor cultivation experience.

In doing so, in fact, it is not necessary to have any cooling system.

Adjustable light

The latest generation LED lamps equip with efficient systems. These allow them to irradiate the light in the most suitable way according to the needs of the grower and the growth phase in which the cultivated plant is located.

For example, in the central phase of cultivation, when the plant develops, the supply of light must be greater than the initial and final ones.

Ease of installation

Installing an LED indoor agriculture lighting is a very simple process. It can be done without problems by anyone, even if you are your first experience in the world of private cultivation.

Usually they equip with a handy kit for assembly so as to make the operation even more immediate and worry-free.

Duration over 10 years

Another fundamental plus of LED lamp is their exceptional duration, equal to double that of a classic model. They easily reach 100,000 hours of resistance, equivalent to over 10 years.

Where to grow with LED lamps: let’s start the cultivation

Having addressed the different benefits these lighting devices offer to modern indoor growing systems. We need to see where it is possible to grow with the help of LED indoor agriculture lighting

There are two different ways to build a plant for private cultivation. You can look for a corner at home that is right for us and adapt it to make it our indoor “vegetable garden”. We advise you to do, you can opt for the solution more convenient and choose a professional grow box.



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