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What can be grown in Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden?

2022-03-21 By hqt

The Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden is a domestic greenhouse specially design to provide the grower with a product equips with all the necessary tools to start a satisfying and high-quality crop.

Grow box, the most affordable option for growing indoors

The advantages of a grow box are innumerable: first of all, the assembly of the structure which is not only simple but also very quick. It really only takes a few minutes. The use of a greenhouse, then, creates a protected environment. It prevents plants from the appearance of mites, annoying little animals that can be very harmful for the plant by contaminating it.

Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden are able to provide a greater amount of light inside the structure. The reflective sheet that covers the walls of the greenhouse. It ensures that the lighting emitted by the LED lamp spreads in the best way on the cultivation. It does not leave out even the most hidden leaves.

The grow box is the most recommended choice also for its ability to dry the crop. Thanks to the presence of an air extractor and an anti-odor filter with activated carbon. They contain and isolate the most unpleasant aromas giving back a more pleasant and pure air.

Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden: the right lighting for your plant

The second fundamental element for starting indoor cultivation correctly is a lamp. It provides the plant with the right light it needs to develop at its best. For this purpose, the LED models are the most reliable and complete solution. They are able to ensure maximum production yield and very low consumption.

Ventilation system, for a correct supply of oxygen 

Last but not least, a correct ventilation system is a necessary element for correct Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden. It allows to supply the oxygen it needs to the plant and to preserve the exchange of air inside. In combination with the filters supplied.

It is then possible to eliminate all possible unpleasant odors in the bud.

The addition of a programmable digital timer will allow you to automate the different processes involved in growing. Connected to the LED lamp, it is a useful tool for planning the switching on and off times of the lighting. It follows the right alternation between hours of light and hours of darkness that the plant needs.

What can be grown in Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden?

With a complete LED growing system, you can grow a large variety of different plants in the comfort of your own home. You do not have to have an outdoor space and it is not necessary to submit to the external temperature and weather or to the alternation of the seasons to be able to see the first fruits.

The ecosystem that generates inside a grow box offers a wide variety of possibilities to choose from, depending on the tastes and needs of growers:

  • Light hemp

The product that is undoubtedly the most chosen for this type of crop is light hemp, Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden with a thousand opportunities and which, thanks to its pain-relieving, anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory properties, can be used for medical use.

In Italy, hemp can be grown legally at home without fear of possible repercussions as long as attention is paid to the variety of seeds chosen, whose belonging to a list approved by the European Union must be certified.

Using LED lamps, it is possible to have legal hemp light available throughout the year, without any downtime, even reaching 4-5 harvests over the course of twelve months. Furthermore, it can always be kept under control and the final quality is excellent.

Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden 2022 

Microgreens: the food of the future

An Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden to grow indoors are micro greens. Micro-vegetables consisting of small seedlings still in the development phase. It considers a bit like the food of the future. They are increasingly used by chefs all over the world because, in addition to being aesthetically beautiful.

Microgreens are rich in vitamins and minerals and have antioxidant properties.

They are harvested at a more advanced stage of growth than the sprouts, on average 7-20 days after sowing, when the first true leaves begin to develop. This way, you can grow a lot of them over a 12-month period.

  • Vegetables

With the help of Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden, it is also possible to grow numerous varieties of vegetables, which with their colors and scents brighten kitchens all over the world. Tomatoes grown indoors have the great advantage of being available all year round, without having to wait for the right season to see them grow.

But this is not the only benefit linked to these key vegetables of the Mediterranean diet. The recent studies have shown how this product, if grown in a closed environment, is even more nutritious and with a greater intake of vitamin C than those grown in a normal environment.

Not only tomatoes, however, because with Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden you will no longer have to wait for the summer even to be able to enjoy the sweet and unmistakable flavor of peppers: at home the vegetable grows even richer in antioxidants, while keeping its organoleptic properties intact.

Oranges has an excellent calming effect

Even a fundamental food in a balanced diet for adults and children such as orange finds an ideal environment in cultivation with the aid of LEDs. Rich in vitamins, it is a citrus fruit that is truly a friend of our body.

It promotes digestion, purifies the body and has an excellent calming effect. You want to start planting it right away!

  • Chili pepper

To add a pinch of spiciness to the table, there is nothing better than chilies. It is a source of sharp flavor embellish dishes but are also a faithful ally of digestion and blood circulation.

It is a plant that takes root very well in the ground but still requires Intelligent Hydroponic Herbs garden. They can require a period of maturation that can reach up to 4 months.

  • Aromatic plants

Aromatic plants are a real panacea in the kitchen. They enrich a dish with unique and evocative aromas and grow excellently even indoors. Especially for those who do not have terraces and balconies.

The possibility of having rosemary, basil and bay leaf developed directly at home is a great convenience. Just keep humidity and temperature under control and that’s it.



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