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Importance of LED Grow Light Bar for Indoor Cultivation?

2022-04-12 By hqt

LED Grow Light Bar

There are many solutions to create a perfect growth environment for plants even indoors. Indoor LED grow light bar ensure excellent results in complete safety.

What is meant by indoor cultivation?

Taking care of your garden is always a pleasure. Spending pleasant hours outdoors, pampering flowering plants of all kinds or organizing the spaces of the vertical garden on the terrace in the best possible way, is a truly relaxing activity. There is no better medicine to regain serenity and remove the stress of a life that is too hectic.

And who can’t even use a small outdoor space? Never give up the pleasure of growing the most beautiful species even at home or in greenhouses by LED grow light bar. The solution is called indoor cultivation. Not one, but many techniques to experiment to see so many plants grow that, due to the climatic conditions of the place where you live, could in no way be grown outdoors.

The cultivation in closed spaces of any plant species

It is difficult to recreate normal natural light conditions indoors, but thanks to the best indoor grow lights, even the problem of light can consider solved. Extraordinary state-of-the-art systems made with the sole purpose of replacing sunlight and also giving those who do not have the opportunity to grow outdoors a valid and safe solution to take optimal care of the most loved plants.

There are many LED grow light bar (this is the most popular of the solutions) that can simply install and switch on manually as needed, but there are also many systems that use automatic mechanisms for the production of light beams, controlled for duration and intensity, only during particular moments of the day.

Installing a lighting system for indoor cultivation is not difficult. You just need to follow a few tips to design a small corner of paradise even at home.

The advantages of indoor cultivation are different

Possibility of seeing any species grow and see it flourish regardless of the external climatic conditions of the place where you live;

  • Direct control of the state of the plants which, at any time, can closely supervise;
  • Limited danger of pest attacks;
  • Growing plants in a safe and healthy environment.

The importance of LED grow light bar for indoor cultivation

The first thing to do, to be sure to create a growing area with optimal conditions for even the most delicate species, is to choose among the best lamps and lights for indoor cultivation.

The grow light will be artificial and if you do not use the most sophisticated and safe lighting systems you will hardly be able to admire good results.

The light emitted by the LED lamps calculate in a precise way to allow the plants to deal with photosynthesis in a natural way. In short, an artificial solution for natural growth!

Grow lights used for hydroponics and aeroponics

LED grow light bar also widely used for hydroponics and aeroponics, are useful for providing a light spectrum similar to that of the sun, i.e. creating a suitable lighting condition for the growth of a particular species.

With the latest generation lamps, it is possible to control the heat, color and intensity of the light beam, so as not to damage the plant in any way.

We have to thank the Russian botanist Andrei Famintsyn who in 1868 experimented with lighting systems for indoor cultivation. Until now it has been a succession of incandescent, fluorescent and HID lamps, up to the LED lamps.

Professionals in the sector are well aware of all the tricks. Let’s call them this way, to ensure plants have the right light conditions, but for the less experienced it is difficult to orient themselves in such a blinding way.

LED Grow Light Bar 2022

The main types of LED grow light bar for indoor cultivation

Here is a list of the most used lighting systems:

HID (High Intensity Discharge Lights): They are the ones who killed the fluorescent lamps. With the arrival of HID lighting systems, fluorescent lighting took a back seat. We are talking about high intensity discharge lamps which manifests itself in a high lumen x watt efficiency.

In this category it is possible to insert lamps with mercury vapor, metal halide, high pressure sodium and conversion lamps. The most used for cultivation are those with metal halides (they are nothing more than the evolution of models with mercury vapors), with ceramic metal halides (CMH).

LED grow light bar produces a beam of light (60-125 lumen / watt) more intense than the others. It is similar to that of the sun’s rays and HSP (High Pressure Sodium) lamps. The latter deliver more energy in the red part of the light spectrum (we will focus on this later), favoring the flowering and fruiting of the species.

Fluorescent lamps: used for indoor growing of vegetables

The light beam produced is lower than that of the models described above and is between 30 and 90 lumen x watt. They can be found in the form of long tubes, often used for indoor growing of vegetables or for the early stages of plant growth, or compact, that is. Those that have replaced the old incandescent bulbs.

Fluorescent LED grow light bar differ from HID lights not only in luminous efficiency, but also in that they do not need separate systems for operation. High intensity discharge lights fit perfectly into a standard magnetic socket.

LED lamps for indoor cultivation

Technology has made it possible to take advantage of light-emitting diodes for any type of lighting, even for growing plants.

Furthermore, LEDs of different colors can mix together to create a light spectrum useful for specific situations. It meets the needs of plants in particular stages of growth. In practice, they provide a full, balanced spectrum of light designed to be similar to that of sunlight.

Usually for LED grow light bar 3 and 5-watt diodes are used. Online it is possible to find several e-commerce that deal with the sale of LED lamps for indoor cultivation.



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