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How Do You Choose the Best Quantum LED Grow Light?

2022-03-21 By hqt

For those who have a passion for gardening but do not have a garden in which to grow their plants, Quantum LED Grow light is a topic of great interest.

In general, all types of plants need sunlight to grow and become strong and vigorous. It is in fact the sunlight to allows the production of chlorophyll. It guarantees the color of the leaves and the strength of the plants.

Deprived of light these can present an altered or even absent development (the leaves and stems stretch beyond measure and in the case of succulents the tissues become tender, watery, and yielding).

For example, in winter, however, some types cannot survive outdoors and it is, therefore, necessary to let them spend the first weeks of life in an indoor place.

What are the benefits of Quantum LED Grow light?

However, it may not be enough to place the seedlings in front of a window. There would be too much direct light that damages the plant in its early stages of life. In this context, the lamps for indoor cultivation insert, are suitable for growing plants in indoor spaces.

There are different types on the market and there is also the possibility of setting specific lighting systems based on the type of plant you want to grow.

Not everyone knows that the radiant energies (red and blue), placed at opposite ends of the visible spectrum, are indispensable for the growth of the plant. For example, it has been shown that the radiant orange / red energy stimulates vegetative and flowering. Blue is able to ensure the growth of a good respiratory system of plants.

The choice of the right Quantum LED Grow light naturally depends on the type of cultivation you intend to inaugurate. Each plant has specific and unique characteristics and has needs that a specific source of artificial lighting can satisfy more than others.

Fluorescent Lamps

In general, fluorescent lamps offer the possibility of creating light conditions of different colors depending on the needs, and moreover, they can come very close to the characteristics of natural light and are often economically advantageous for the result to obtain.  

Arranged near the windows, they can integrate natural light, especially in winter. Otherwise, Quantum LED Grow light can approach plants those positions near too dark walls. 

The intensity and constancy of LED Grow lights

Among the greatest advantages of these lamps are the intensity and constancy of their lighting, guaranteeing a healthy and profitable growth of the plant. 

However, they have limitations, such as the scarce presence of red, in daylight fluorescent tubes, and the scarce presence of blue, in warm white or natural white light fluorescent tubes. 

However, by alternating the fluorescent tubes, the problem can always be solved. Among the most common and economical solutions, it is necessary to mention the realization of shelf systems or pedestals with several fluorescent tubes with different characteristics, suitably placed on them, to be activated according to the needs.

What is Quantum LED Grow light?

Characteristics similar to those of fluorescent lamps are also present in LED energy-saving lamps, in widespread use since the issue of reducing the energy expenditure of buildings is increasingly pressing. They also do not emit heat!

However, the new frontier of artificial lighting is always theirs: LEDs. Among the advantages of this technology, remember that they do not overheat, offer a considerable choice of colors and have decidedly low consumption. 

LED Grow offer a low voltage power supply

The economic advantage is evident when it turns out that a led panel made up of about 1000 LEDs costs just over 100 euros.

The vast choice of Quantum LED Grow light can be a fantastic opportunity or a terrible burden. For a correct setting of an indoor system, light is an important choice. Our guide will tell you everything about Led lights

LED lights are now quality products. However, there are many things to know and it is normal to get lost and not choose a good product. LEDs are very versatile and this is their strong point.

By buying substandard LEDs, you may come across lights that don’t bring the right conditions for your plant. Reading the arctic is useful to know all the secrets to buying the perfect led lamp.

Why use Quantum LED Grow light?

Led stands for “light-emitting diode”. This lighting is very energy efficient. It can have different functions also from an ecological point of view, LED lights are becoming the obvious choice. First of all it is a light that allows it to operate at low temperatures.

This way your plants will grow with all the light they need. In addition, the lamp to be used will be one for the entire growth cycle and the diode will stimulate the plant.

In short, there are great management savings. But LED lamps also have some disadvantages linked to the quality of the chosen product and incorrect use of the light.

Choosing a poor product will not make the most of the benefits of Quantum LED Grow light. In fact, if you are willing to invest in a good LED system, we recommend that you visit our e-commerce.

Which led lights should I buy?

There are three main types of LED lamps. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you have taken your cannabis cultivation seriously, buy quality models. In fact, higher-quality models will give better results. Incredibly bright light, but with the wrong frequency, will not give you any results in cultivation.

Standard purple LED lights

They are the first Quantum LED Grow light used in cannabis grows and feature a blend of red and blue diodes that together emit a purple light. Blue light helps plants in the early stages of their cycle, while red helps in the flowering stage.

These are the cheapest option, but it’s probably also the worst. They are not very reliable products and in fact, often fail to satisfy the light spectrum

Cob (Chip on board) LED lights

They are the best choice if we consider the quality/price ratio. In short, COB means “Chip on board” and they are lamps made up of many small LEDs combined to emit bright white light. It generates intense light that penetrates the canopy of your plant, providing a full light spectrum.

While some Quantum LED Grow lights have specific settings for the flowering and vegetative phases, most had only one set. They can also assemble into large panels to illuminate larger grow spaces.



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