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How T8 LED Grow Light Tubes work? 7 Best ways

2022-03-09 By hqt

Using LED Lights to Grow Cannabis: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

Whether it’s your first-time growing cannabis or growing using T8 LED grow light tubes, mistakes can happen! Find out how to avoid them to get top-quality buds using LED lights! Contents:

  • Place the LED lights at an incorrect distance
  • Excessive watering of your cannabis plants
  • Choose the wrong type of LED
  • Choose low quality LED lights
  • Provide insufficient light for cannabis plants
  • Follow an inadequate lighting scheme

Try T8 LED grow lights with due care

Growing great cannabis isn’t very difficult — at least in theory. Just buy high-quality cannabis seeds, good potting soil, suitable containers and you are ready to go. However, to achieve delicious buds there is one essential element to consider: light — lots of light.

In fact, cannabis needs a lot more light than other plants, and T8 LED grow light tubes offer optimal performance if the lighting is abundant and constant. Therefore, you certainly cannot save on the purchase of a lighting system.

LED lights are conquering grow rooms around the world

In the past, cannabis growers mostly used xenon (HID) lights—MH (metal halide) used for the vegetative phase, while HPS (high-pressure sodium) for flowering. HID lamps are still on the market and use successfully by home and commercial growers.

Compared to HIDs, LED lights offer interesting advantages

They consume (much) less electricity, save money in the long run, and have less impact on the environment. Plus, T8 LED grow light tubes emit less heat which is a huge plus, especially in smaller growing environments. LED technology is now widespread, and prices are much more affordable.

However, even with the most sophisticated LED lights, less experienced growers can make mistakes. Let’s break down some of the most common mistakes to avoid when growing cannabis with LED lights.

How to make LED lights: 5 tips on LED cannabis growing?

This is probably the most common mistake made by growers using LEDs for the first time. HID lights emit a lot of heat, and those inexperienced may also use T8 LED grow light tubes too carefully, placing them too far from plants. Conversely, those who know the advantages of LEDs could impulsively install the lamps very close together.

If the LED lights are placed too far, the plant is likely to grow excessively vertical in an attempt to reach the light source. On the other hand, LEDs that are too close can cause stress to the cannabis plant, causing burns and discoloration of the leaves and buds.

What is the ideal distance between the T8 LED grow light tubes and the plants?

Unfortunately, there is no standard suitable for all circumstances. The ideal distance in the vegetative and flowering phases depends on the type of LED used. Each model is slightly different from the others and should place at a specific distance.

First, it is best to consult the attached instruction manual and look for information on the recommended distance. If you can’t find them, try visiting the manufacturer’s website. If for whatever reason, you can’t find any indication, you can place the T8 LED grow light tubes at a distance of 30–45cm from the plants — around 45cm during the vegetative phase and a little closer during flowering.

To adjust the height of the LEDs for optimal performance, check the reaction of the plants. Dry, curved, brown, or discolored leaves indicate an excess of light. In this case, it is necessary to move the LEDs higher.

Excessive watering of your cannabis plants

HID lamps emit much more heat than LEDs, so with this type of lighting, the ground tends to dry out faster. When growers switch to T8 LED grow light tubes, they tend to forget this. With LEDs, the heat output is very low, so plants will need less water. So, remember to change your irrigation scheme when using LEDs, especially if this is your first time using this type of lamp.

Excess watering is one of the most frequent mistakes made by beginners and can promote the spread of pests and diseases in the plantation. It is therefore essential to keep an eye on this factor. If in doubt, allow the soil to dry out completely — and then proceed with watering.

T8 LED Grow Light Tubes 2022

Some LEDS are specially designed for the vegetative phase

Almost all T8 LED grow light tubes on the market today are “full-spectrum” lamps. This term indicates that they can use for both the vegetative and flowering phases. However, there are also models equipped with a switch, which allows you to vary the light spectrum according to the growth phase.

In addition, some LEDs are specially designed for the vegetative phase — they emit a bluish light that promotes rapid and vigorous plant development. The LEDs for the flowering phase generate a redder light, which supports the growth of the buds. Therefore, before buying an LED light, make sure you choose the right type. For most growers, full-spectrum LEDs are the best solution.

Choosing of low-quality T8 LED grow light tubes

One of the drawbacks of LED lights compared to HID lights, is that good quality LEDs are definitely more expensive. Not everyone has the option of purchasing high-quality full-spectrum LEDs and many are looking for cheaper alternatives to take advantage of this technology without breaking the bank.

The problem is, you can find tons of cheap LEDs on the internet — but the manufacturers of these lamps don’t care about quality.

Some of these lamps are barely enough to illuminate a single plant

These low-cost LED lights often assemble overseas and claim to emit far lighter than they are really capable of generating. Low-quality T8 LED grow light tubes can also be dangerous to use if the country in which they are manufactured does not meet stringent electrical safety standards.


Finally, if you have a problem with an inexpensive LED bought overseas. It will be very difficult to claim the warranty or make a return. Since lighting is the most important element when growing cannabis indoors.

It is not wise at all to save on lamps. Invest your money in quality LED lights and your plants will appreciate it. Also, good quality T8 LED grow light tubes consume less than HID lamps, so you can save on your electricity bill!



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